Community Nights

Every FIRST Wednesday we have a special night focused on building community. Here is a quick look at what we will have for the rest of 2023:

February 14th | Elementary Valentines

We will have a party on the SECOND WEDNESDAY for this month as we celebrate on Valentines. Dress up as your elementary self and bring valentines and candy to share with the class.

March 6th | Easter Party

We will share the Gospel story, then have an Easter egg hunt and egg related games.

April 3rd | Waffle Night

We will be eating all the sweet and lovely waffle carbs we can and playing games.

May 1st | Cereal & Spoons

We will have a cereal bar and play spoons!

June 5th | Oasis Ice Cream at the Pool

We will have free ice cream and play 9 square in the pool.

July 3rd | Oasis Ice Cream at the Pool

We will have free ice cream and encourage students to bring the craziest floaty.

August 7th | Oasis Ice Cream at the Pool

We will have free ice cream and play 9 square in the pool.

September 4th | Ramen Bar

We will have a ramen bar with various toppings for students to choose from.

October 2nd | Spooky Party

There will be lots of snacks, a costume contest, and some games with prizes.

November 6th | Friendsgiving

We will have a picnic outside. Please bring a finger food to share.

December 4th | Christmas Party

We will have special holiday games, and read through the Christmas story.


Fuge Camp